I first watched the show when it originally aired. I loved it from the beginning and faithfully watched every episode. I don’t remember what year this was but I went on a weekend cruise (Friday-Monday) from San Pedro, CA to Ensenada, Mexico. I had set my VCR to tape L&C but I didn’t want to wait until Monday night after I got home to watch it. The ship was going to be cruising the Cali coast that Sunday so I asked the purser if there was any way I could watch the show in my room. He said he would try to get ABC for me. Shortly before air time, I left my friend (she didn’t want to watch the show), returned to our room, and the purser had come through for me because I was able to watch the episode. The reception wasn’t the best but I was thrilled. I wish I could remember what episode it was but it was a long time ago. Let’s just say I was a lot older than KSaraSara when the show originally aired and my memory isn’t as sharp as it used to be.

Though I’ve loved the show since it originally aired, I wish I had found the fandom much sooner. I guess it’s better late than never but I’m thrilled to be here now.

My favorite moments/quotes
• The towel scene. Lois’s reaction is priceless.
• The montage of Clark trying on the various costumes that Martha made and Martha’s "Nobody's going to be looking at your face” comment.
*Clark and Jonathan’s talk outside the farmhouse.
•Superman saying that his mother made his costume.
•Lois’s confession to Clark when she thought they were going to die.
•The top banana line was funny.
•Clark’s reaction when Lois walked in on his interview. The look on his face says it all. He was lost then and there.

Thanks Toomi8 for coming up with this idea. It’s going to be fun!