Rock ON, girlfriend! This story ROCKS!!! Smart, snappy dialouge, funny all around and the Clark everyone's always wanted to see but was to afraid to ask for (b/c, honey, he's just not very nice...but I like him!)

Except for when he's acting like an eight year old, like he was in the first part of the chapter. Molding potatoes? Honestly, Clark, are you serious? No, in all seriousness, I actually found that kinda funny.

So let's get quoting:

He wondered as he fielded questions if it ever occurred to anyone that the average pod-living, rat-eating, visitor from another planet would probably not be able to handle the media as deftly as Superman seemed to.
hahahahaha...rat-eating! I love that part!

He would like to think that it was because he’d shown clearly that he was on the side of the light, and that because he was polite and helpful, his colleagues in the media were willing to repay him with their trust, but despite what Lois had always said about him, he wasn’t quite that corn-fed and naïve. He suspected that his free pass owed more to fear than to trust. Either they feared him directly – feared that he would respond to harassment by using his powers to take over the world
Clark in charge of the world?! Now there's a fanfic crying out to be told!

or they feared that he would simply get so ticked off that he would quit coming when he was called, would find something better to do with his time than saving an ungrateful populace.
Okay, here's a serious moment b/c I can't tell you how many times I thought how lucky Metropolis was b/c if I was their superhero, I would've taken off SOOOOOO many times for just that reason. I swear, with all the criminals out to kill me and the populace turning against me at the drop of a dime, I'd have...well, it's just lucky Clark's the super powered hero and not me!

It was all he could do to keep from grabbing her and tossing her into another dumpster. Really, that had been one of his more brilliant moments, all things considered.
rotflol Ooh, sniping Clark! I like!

“Nice place to visit,” Lois said, her mouth turning up a little at the corners, “but I wouldn’t want to live there.”

“Fortunately,” Superman said coldly, “you don’t have to.”
rotflol Oh, good lord!...Excuse me while I wipe the tears from my eyes from laughing so hard. It's good to know he's still "farmboy" to her.

Gah! I can't quote the entire convo and I WANT TO SO MUCH!!! Excellent, excellent job! You said want fans wanted to say to both Clark and Lois so many times! And yes Clark is being cruel, but dammit, sometimes Lois totally deserved it. I love how they're giving each other as good as they get. Lois is calling Clark on his sulking, Clark is refusing to just forgive and forget. *Finally* Lois is seeing that she can't expect to call all the shots! And yet we can see (without even having her direct pov!) that Lois is hurting here and Clark is wants to protect her! Ooh! I'm throwing out a new rating people: Delicious! F-i-n-g-e-r l-i-c-k-i-n-g g-o-o-d!