Oy vey! I love "His Girl Friday" and the play and movie "Front Page" from which the Grant-Russell vehicle was adapted. The dialogue crackles with both speed and intensity, and the actors obviously had a ball filming it. I know you'll carry the same frenetic pace with this story. It'll be a fun ride!

I am curious about something, though. How did Lois miss the blue-and-red-and-yellow suits in Clark's side of the closet? Was she so busy that she never, ever did any of his laundry or picked up his dry cleaning? And are you telling me that Clark didn't share his secret before the wedding?

Yikes! I'm with Jimmy, I don't want to be around when the fur from this one starts flying!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing