Thanks for your opinion. I'm not looking for another Teri and Dean. There can't be another couple like them but I'd like this L&C to at least show that they love each other and I don't think they do. Granted the family is under a lot of pressure from various factors, but I just don't see any deep love between them that will conquer all. While Ms. Tulloch is very attractive she's probably the least likable Lois Lane so far. She looks to me as if she's eaten a lemon, her face is always scrunched up, and I think this lends itself to my seeing a lack of chemistry between them. She played on the series Grimm and she was the same there so I don't think it's just the writers.

With respect to the headphones, you must have much better eyes than me because all I saw was a set of wireless headphones. If they wanted us to believe that the device was noise-canceling then they could have said that. It would have just taken a sentence or two to convey that idea but, again, the writers didn't think they needed to. While this is not fanfiction a little telling would go a long way. As I'm sure you know, noise-canceling headphones only work to cancel outside sounds. Since Jordan's hearing is super-sensitive and there are NO close sounds to negate why would they work here? Again, this is a case of insulting the viewer's intelligence and taking the easy way out rather than come up with a real-world solution. As I said in my previous post, in a universe where a man can fly there has to be a certain suspension of disbelief but that shouldn't apply to normal everyday items and circumstances. If Clark really wanted to protect Jordan's hearing he should have taken him to the fortress and left him there until his hearing was under control but that wouldn't work because then Jordan couldn't spy on Jonathan and the conflict that led to nor could he have directed Jonathan to where Clark was to save him from JHI. God forbid that the writers would have to work a bit to come up with a better plot.

You brought up the move from Metropolis to Smallville. That's another "detail' that seems to have been a case of why let facts get in the way of telling the story we want. I think it was on the Smallville series that those writers moved Metropolis to the midwest and now they have done it here as well. Does anyone think it is the least bit plausible that a high school team from Smallville Kansas would EVER be playing against a team from Metropolis? Theoretically, they can't even use a state championship as an excuse because they're not even from the same state! No, they just needed made-up conflict so poor little Jordan could lose his temper and break Jonathan's hand so there would be conflict between the brothers too.

Maybe that's what's bothering me. There's too much going on! Lois is looking into Edge for lying to the town. Edge is trying to create a super army. Captain Luthor/JHI/The Stranger is working with Lois but trying to kill Superman. Gen. Lane is working against Clark and, as I think, only tolerates Clark as long as he can control him. Jordan is developing powers and that creates conflict between the brothers, And I'm sure I've missed something. All this and it's only Episode 7! There's too much going on at once! I think they should have chosen one or two of these and dug deeper into them. I think the Morgan Edge/Smallville storyline would be very interesting if they took the time to explore it more deeply. It seems as if the writers suffer from something and they can't focus on one storyline for more than five minutes. Maybe it's that the CW is the teen angst channel and I'm just too darn old for that. Whatever it is I plan to stick it out for the rest of the season to see what happens. Who knows what will happen after that.
Thanks for your time and comments.