SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!! evil
Those of you who have not seen the latest episode might want to skip this thread.

Has anyone noticed that there is NO chemistry between the two leads in this show? Maybe it's because that kind of thing is not foremost on the CW but there was more chemistry between Lois and her husband in the alternate universe than we have ever seen between Lois and Clark. Also, does anyone have any theories as to why the suit looks so dirty and flat in most scenes? Superman and the suit are supposed to be bright and eyecatching. This guy could walk down the main street of Smallville and nobody would notice if not for the cape! It also looks to me as if some of the graphics come from a video game when showing Superman. It looks like they are trying to make him look more muscular but it fails miserably in my opinion. I've been watching since the beginning and I feel that the show has high and low episodes, but overall it's been downhill since the pilot. I read that viewership is down as well. That may be due to the break the show had but I think it's more due to the mediocre writing and plots.