Ann and Terry, thank you both so much for your incredible, encouraging comments!

You two were absolutely spot-on about Lois' characterization in this chapter; I didn't like her at the beginning of this post, either. I tried to write her as we saw her in very early season two: a little brash, even confrontational, and pretty hostile in regard to Clark's constant disappearing acts and toward the assistant D.A.

But Lois isn't truly a mean, vindictive person — she may have a stubborn streak as wide as a country mile, but she doesn't truly wish anyone physical harm, even Mayson, and I was hoping that change in heart would be evident.

Ann, thank you for your wonderful compliments on my writing, and Terry, I hadn't even thought of that as a possible outcome! I don't think that's the way I intend this story to play out (but I never know until I sit down at my keyboard in the middle of the night when I can't seem to sleep), but it'll definitely be meandering somewhere in the back of my mind from now on.

Again, thank you both for sticking with this story, and for the feedback!

~ Crystal

"Not all those who wander are lost." — JRR Tolkien