Ooh, good chapter! You're really upping the ante already.

It's interesting that you don't have a chapter count on your posts. That might mean that you don't know how long it will be, or that you want to torture us with multiple false dramatic climaxes. And I know you have that in you.

Mayson's already coming apart at the seams. Of course, some of it is due to her car being exploded ("Lois! You esploded them!"), some due to the missing evidence, and some due to the stress in her personal life. Now the one person with whom she'd really like to spend some up close and personal time is at her front door, along with the person who is driving bamboo shards under her heart's fingernails. I'm waiting to see if Mayson breaks down and shares her loss of evidence with L&C, and if she does, if Clark the Boy Scout will tell her that they found it and took it to STAR Labs for analysis.

Wouldn't that be explosive? "You stole my evidence!" "It was lying under a burned-out car on the impound lot!" "It's evidence in a very important investigation!" "Yeah, we're making progress on it too!" "It's an active police matter!" "It doesn't matter because we have the evidence!" Then fists and feet fly and Clark has to play peacemaker. Not unlike mediating between Israel and Palestine.

And so on and so forth.

Of course, if this is a longer tale, it's too early to let everyone in on such secrets. Lois knows that Mayson cares deeply for Clark, but I don't think Lois understands how deeply Mayson wishes Lois would take a long walk off a short pier in the middle of Great White dinner buffet. (I'm pretty sure Clark doesn't know either.) And, of course, which woman will discover Clark's "other job" first? And what will she do with it? I foresee anger, distrust, tears, threats, possible hand-to-hand combat, and a helpless Superman.

Oh, I just had an evil thought. evil What if the women find out at the same time and form an alliance to torture Clark? And they independently decide that it would be a great chance to get the inside track with Clark?

Shoot, Superman might leave Earth, much less Metropolis. He might send a mental message to Ching and Zara to please come take him away from this crazy place!

Don't wait so long to post the next chapter. My heart might not be able to take it.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing