I'd like to add my own male-oriented comment. I've always liked the actress Farrah Forke (who played Mayson Drake), and I was disappointed when TPTB blew her to bits. I had hoped she might turn into a semi-regular character, one whose mutual antagonism with Lois would have been a good dramatic counterpoint to the developing L&C love story.

But it was not to be. And I think this is a wonderful, if somewhat painful, glimpse into a strong person's mind, one whose offer of her heart has been turned down. Doesn't matter that Clark was as gentle as he could be, her heart still fragmented every time she saw him or heard him or heard Lois's name in conjunction with his. I could see the tears pooling in the corners of her eyes as she hung up the phone, wondering if maybe there was something wrong with her, thinking that if only she could wedge herself into Clark's life a little bit, she could make him see how happy she could make him.

Keep writing! I agree with all the above, and I hope you have many more stories in you just fighting to come out and play.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing