You guys are too kind! Honestly, I was so blown away by such amazing feedback, and I'm just sorry it's taken me so long to reply to your comments.

I'll admit, I was more than a little worried about posting this first vignette — I didn't know Mayson had so many friends here! Catherine, TVNerd and Ursie, I'm so glad you guys feel the same kind of pull toward Mayson's character that I do! I agree that she's likeable, and you almost can't help feeling empathy for her, because we just *know* it'll never work with Clark because he's so in love with Lois. With this, I wanted to portray a more dimensional Mayson, one that's more than just a single-minded "get Clark's attention" kind of character.

Xanabee, Jackie and Maria, thank you all for your kind comments about my writing — I'm continually amazed that people on these boards like to read these little angsty accidents that appear on my screen in Word! Seriously, thank you for the feedback — all your comments have given me the courage to continue this foray into Mayson's psyche. I just hope it's worth the read for y'all! Again (and I can't seem to say this enough), thanks for the wonderful feedback!

~ Crystal

"Not all those who wander are lost." — JRR Tolkien