Hi Bob!

New year, new FDK smile

Clark continued to be amazed at how quickly the world adapted to Superman’s return. In the two weeks since the successful Nightfall Swarm mission,
Hey, you skipped the part where he is distraught over Lois getting shot by asteroid fragment that had been considered harmless. Or how she was re-incarnated into the clone-body Lex had already cooking for her.

he'd stressed that he no longer lived in Metropolis
Oh boy. So, wouldn’t someone try to do a story on his new city and wouldn’t, since the city remains unnamed, people start to try and investigate which city he lives in now. I mean, sure, it would be an effort, but they could, for instance, use it as a project in journalism courses, each student getting a different city assigned to investigate. It shouldn’t take *that* long to figure out that there’s no bigger city around the globe that had a Superman-presence that exceeds major incident appearances.

Clark made sure to make some time and fly to a few other cities in the world and do other rescues as well. This created the illusion that his Metropolis rescues were just a matter of his regular around-the-world patrols.
Oh, so he is really making an effort, huh? Should probably cost him more time than when he was a fulltime Metropolitan superhero. And won’t Supergirl, Batman, Green Arrow, and the Flash become annoyed when he shows up in their cities?

The tallest building in Metropolis had come through the original Nightfall barrage unscathed, but by chance had been one of the few buildings hit by one of the smaller fragments that Clark had not diverted during the Swarm.
Huh, would have thunk. And for the fragment to hit just before Superman regained his strength to appear publically, too. The only odd thing was that shout of ‘Strike’ just after the meteor hit the base of the building…

It had taken out three of the four primary support pillars in the main tower. Then it had expended its energy in the building substructure and compromised the foundation.
Huh, okay, so it was just a Spare, after all. But one has to say, well built building not to topple with only one pillar left.

It had to come down, but due to the nature of the damage, there was no conventional way to bring the building down safely and without risking other structures nearby.
So, Superman’s going to collapse the building on top of Lex sitting inside his bunker, huh?

“I'd feel better personally if your hundred and fifty percent safety margin was a little longer than six seconds.

Suddenly he was feeling a noticeable strain to keep his speed up. By the time he worked his way down to the thirtieth floor, the strain was starting to get to him. What was worse, it looked like the collapse was catching up to him.
Oh boy, I was worried there would be Kryptonite in the cellar.

This started out as one of those no-resistance walls, but in this case, on the other side of the nonstructural wall, there was a very thick wall of concrete and reinforced steel. It had to have been at least six feet thick and was heavy with rebar. In this place at this time, Clark was unprepared for anything like this. When he hit that wall, the first several feet shattered and exploded into a thousand fragments of concrete and steel. But the wall was very thick and the impact stopped his progress. He never had a chance to try to go around because before he could recover, the building fell on him.
Oh boy. Somebody’s is to get fined for filing incomplete plans.

Within a few seconds the dust started to billow up obscuring the view but it was clear that the bundling was coming down as planned. Seemingly before any time had passed at all, LexCorp tower was no more.
So, 13th floor or 17th floor didn’t really make that much of a difference, huh?

“The foreman thinks Superman may be in there somewhere.”
On the plus side, he should be safely tucked away inside a giant slab of reinforced concrete. He should be perfectly safe. Just like Han Solo was, frozen in carbonite.

“Superman and I talked about that possibility. He promised that if he heard of an emergency, he would leave a note before he left the area. See that chalk board?” he asked, pointing at a large, blank chalkboard. “The only reason that is here is in case he needed to leave a note quickly.” Then he walked over to the board and pointed at two pieces of chalk.
clap Being married sure has improved his intelligence.
CLARK: No, it’s just my survival instinct working overdrive. Can you imagine if I worried Lois because I did something stupid?

A piece of excavation equipment can't do any more harm than the falling building. So get that equipment moving now!”
Yes, but do you know what those excavator buckets cost? If one gets tangled in Superman, it could easily be a complete loss.

The man seemed taken aback at her attitude. But to his credit he knew what to do when he faced a determined Lois Lane. “Yes, ma'am,” he said.

Am wondering if he actually happened to stumble onto an entry in the Ark and is sitting now down there, 500m below the surface and is sipping afternoon tea with Lex.

“Yes,” Lois said, glancing around at the bright blue sky above and the sun shining down. “You need to keep him in the sun as much as possible. In fact, do you have any scissors?”
They should also probably remove all that nasty dust that is caking his body.

Lois caught Cindy admiring her husband for an extra few seconds, but before she could comment the younger woman had gone to work on Clark's other leg.
CINDY: What, I think he is nicely covered. Women were thongs all the time…

“No. Superman never thought he needed that. But I will be after he wakes up.

“I'd need to get direction from both the hospital and my supervisor at the ambulance agency.”

“Expect a call,” she barked, as she reluctantly turned away, leaving her husband, for the moment, in the hands of the paramedics. Now what was the President's phone number?

CLARK: peep

Lois sure is on a protective rampage, isn’t she?

wave Michael

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