Hi Bob!

“Okay, Dr. Klein. You may have to bear with me. I only remembered how to fly a little over a week ago. I'm going to try to accelerate. Can you please call out my speed every few seconds to let me know how I'm doing?”
MARTHA: He’s going flying in space? Oh dear. I didn’t even have time to prepare his baked beans.

‘The world stood in awe today as Superman reappeared to save the people of the Earth from the return of Nightfall in the form of the Swarm asteroid cluster.' Lois stared at that opening line again. It was a little sensationalist, but given the nature of what was happening, it felt right.
So, prepping the article ahead of time, huh?

Writing the coverage for an event that hadn't happened yet was new for her. But in this case, she needed something to keep her mind occupied while Clark was off trying to save the world.
I thought she was already writing The New Adventures of Wanda Detroit?

“Lois, where’s Clark?” Perry bellowed from across the office.
Getting a closer look at the Swarm.

Lois took just long enough to save her work and lock her workstation before she headed for Perry’s office.
Huh, that must be the first time ever a fictional character so much as actively left their computer instead of just abandoning it. I can’t count just how often you see *federal agents* leave their workstations with open, classified documents unattended when they head out on a mission. Or lunch. Then again, they also get *hacked* every other week, so…

Then use the etching on your helmet faceplate to pick out a target star and head for a position that is fifty-seven degrees to the right and eighteen degrees up.

At that moment, Lois felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to find Perry motioning her back to his office. In less than a minute, they were back in their seats. “So Superman is alive,” Perry offered.
He sounds like a smart person.
PERRY: Yodelidado!

“He doesn’t know. He hasn’t been very forthcoming about where he’s been or what he’s been doing. He did tell us that he
…was shacked up with a Superman groupie for the past couple of months, though…

“What if something goes wrong? How does Clark get back from… wherever if Superman disappears again?”
Reentry capsule. Should land in Kazakhstan if the control rockets do their job.

“I agree. But there’s a lot of empty in that cloud. Anything as large as two meters in diameter will be noticeable. Are you sure it will be safe to let smaller fragments through?”

“We think so,” she replied. “I wish I could say we were sure that this would completely eliminate all of the threats, but we can’t.”
Wouldn’t it be ironic if some of the smaller fragments are made of up densly packed iron and when they enter the atmosphere, they essentially become superheated bullets and one of those his Lois just as she is about to enter STAR Labs?

He’d been afraid this would happen. Their rule was nothing on the phone that would reveal his Superman identity.
I wonder, what with today’s computing power and Lex owning the telephone system, if he would actually set up a speech analysis system and try to do a keyword sweep of all the phone calls that happen during the day. Would yield all sorts of interesting tidbits of information.

Great work on the science!

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.