Originally Posted by cuidadora
Originally Posted by cuidadora
Maybe he'll retweet one of yours!

Originally Posted by LadyTpower
Actually, he did wink too bad I don't know how to insert pictures otherwise I would have shown it lol

Congratulations! That's awesome.

[Linked Image]

To post an image, you need to have it uploaded to another site so you can use its web address. I use a free service, Postimage. You can upload without an account. If you want them to save your images, they have a free account. Be sure to copy and paste the direct link and follow the instructions in this message board tutorial. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.

Thank you XXX I found it by asking in another post before I could read it here, thank you for helping me lol I am so proud of the retweet lol but who wouldn't be proud ;-) I am using the free site tinypic ;-) just posted something I made in another section of this forum. I am glad I found this forum, it rocks ;-)

* once a Lois and Clark fan, always a Lois and Clark fan *