Brenda - Ha! Having her wait in boxers for him to come home could make a great n-epilogue. lol

I love how you circled back to the moon. It's really sweet and will be romantic as soon as she knows about Superman. Then he can take her flying in the moonlight.

Yeah, moonlight does factor in again later. wink

I love how the irony of her feeling like he wasn't far away and then changing scene to Superman huddling outside the front door. Nice transition!

Thanks! blush

Poor Superman. First Kryptonite, then a cut from broken glass. Lois really is a caring individual. She really can be patient.

She has her moments. When it's someone she cares about, she can be extremely patient.

I've started to wonder what is going to tip Lois off to Clark's dual identity. Now that she's spending so much time at Clark's apartment and wearing his clothes, surely she's going to notice that Clark and Superman smell the same. Or his Kryptonite-addled brain is going let something slip, like when he was mumbling sweet nothings about liking it when Lois touched him.

It's probably going to be a cumulation of all those little things that tip her off. Or maybe he works up the courage to tell her…

We need Perry back right away. This time, Lois can help the other four investigate and gather evidence.

Of course Lois will let others investigate while she does nothing! That's how she rolls! rotflol

Jackie - It's the fact that she can't stop thinking about Clark (and being jealous of his "girlfriend") that finally makes her realize she thinks of him as much more than a colleague or a friend.

So sweet how Superman doesn’t want Lois to leave him and how she takes care of him.

He doesn't want her to leave because he knows that Lex is looking for her. wink

While I absolutely loved the scenes between Lois and Superman in this story, I was worried their flirting would reenforce Lois’ crush on him instead of concentrating on her new feelings for Clark. Glad that isn’t the case and Lois can’t seem to get Clark off her mind.

It's human nature to want what we can't have. Lois thinks she can't have Clark, and that's happening just as she's realizing how much he really means to her. She's already acknowledged to herself that her crush on Superman was unrealistic and that she (thinks) she doesn't really know him. But Clark? She knows Clark and she knows what she thinks she's losing.

Artemis - So glad you're back! laugh

Thank you all for the comments! You're wonderful! sloppy

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis