Loved the whole first paragraph of this part 6... her thoughts while in Clark's bed were spot on. More of that, please!

I picked out this para because I just loved it when I read it:
"Be right back." Lois stood up quickly, heading back into his apartment. He could hear the slap of her feet as she ran down the stairs. Several long seconds ticked by as he heard the faint sound of a cupboard door opening and slamming shut, then water running. It seemed an eternity before he heard her footsteps racing back in his direction.

Just cool details, the kind that really make you feel like you are there. The slap of her feet, the cupboard door... made me feel like I was with Clark in that moment, hearing what he was hearing, waiting and waiting for Lois to come back. A simple "she returned moments later with a cup of water" wouldn't have had the same effect, you know? Nicely done, Sue!

Really liked seeing her take care of Superman, but now I just want her to *know*. I was waiting for the penny to drop as she looked at Superman, when she was noticing he looked younger and more vunerable... and I was just like, Look, Lois, really look! Wonder if she ever will?

And the end.. you sure know how to write a cliffhanger!
There was another moment of silence, and then the screaming started. Clark let go of Chip's arm and sprinted for the stairwell. All around him the building had begun to groan and creak ominously.

Um... I'm going to have to ask for the next part. Like, yesterday. Because I need to know what happens next! Here's hoping the new part is up soon!

Tracey smile