Hi Sue!
[Linked Image]
Erm…please excuse the door hinges. I know it must have sounded like an embarrassing squeal.

/checks out previous FDK thread/ Hmm…ah…yes…I see…plus, now I know why detailed FDK is so helpful. Wait, what did you mean by clothes are getting put back on? We just got Lois halfway undressed! [Linked Image]

Clark was in a daze. He could hear the door to Lois' room open and then close, but it didn't seem possible that any of this was really happening.
I just realized, Lois could get kidnapped while on her way to the next room.

He was the fastest man in the world
BARRY ALLEN: [Linked Image]

Lois was in love with him.
Wouldn’t it be embarrassing if Lois had gotten sprayed with Revenge while in the next room, just before she called him?

Clark flipped on the overhead light and was about to open the door when he realized that he was wearing only his boxer shorts.
Looky there, they’re fully dressed between the two of them. Should be perfect!

He couldn't stop himself from taking a second look at her legs and the way his t-shirt draped over the soft curves that had occupied his fantasies for the past year.
Oh boy. I take it it’s a wee bit chilly out in the hallway, huh?

She was here, in his room, and wearing nothing but his t-shirt. He had to be dreaming.
He could politely ask for her to return his t-shirt?

Clark quickly shifted his attention to her face. He exhaled his own little laugh from the sheer surreal joy of the moment. Then he shook his head. "We're definitely in uncharted waters here."
Maybe he could do a detailed exploration of said undiscovered lands.

He blushed at the discovery that she wasn't wearing a bra as she added
Huh, I would have bet that that wasn’t news to him after his earlier lines.

Lois looked up at him from beneath her lashes, giving him a sheepish grin. "I swear, Clark, I wasn't trying to seduce you by showing up in just your t-shirt."
Clark gave her an adorable shrug. “It still worked.”

He couldn't resist teasing her. "You think I'm that easily seduced?"
He *really* wants her to make this a competition. He *does* realize she’s not on pheromones this time around, so he’s got no moral obligations.

Clark gave her another once-over, taking his time as he appreciated her legs and the alluring drape of the shirt over her curves. "You're lucky I'm jet-lagged right now."

She considered it for a long moment, then shrugged. "I guess if you're jet-lagged then fetching a key card is about as useful as you can be."

Lois smirked. "Could you be useful in another way?"
[Linked Image]

"Before you leave, maybe we could, uh… Not that I think you're going to change your mind in the elevator, but I’d really like it if, uh, maybe you, or we, uh, would you please kiss me first?"
[Linked Image]

Clark framed her face between his hands and tried to look annoyed. He didn't quite manage it because he couldn't stop smiling. "Anything else?"

"No. That should do it." Lois closed her eyes and her lips parted.
So, good thing he’s wearing jeans, then?

"Hey," he whispered and waited for her eyes to open. When they did his throat tightened a little when he saw she was just as dazed as he was by their new proximity. "I love you."

Lois had just started to smile when he closed his eyes and went for it.
She knows.

The first true heat of Clark's mouth on hers was mind bending. Her memory was not faulty. Kissing Clark was everything Lois had remembered -- and more.
Huh, I just realized, ‘clothes getting put on’ could have simply referred to Clark trying to get dressed. wallbash You’re a sneaky one!

Lois swayed closer to him, sliding her hands up his chest and over his shoulders to twine her arms around his neck.
*squints* This should raise her her/his t-shirt in interesting ways. Let’s just hope his arms stay in an upwards position…

Lois couldn't help herself, she loosened the button above and tugged lightly on his shirt to match it to the correct hole, before refastening it in its proper place.
Tsk tsk tsk. That’s not conductive to tending to that edge of lust she was feeling.

What if she stayed? What would happen?
He’d fall asleep.

Would they… Oh god! What if they did?
He doesn’t have protection with him.
CLARK: That’s because I’m Superman. I don’t need protection.

He drew in a quick breath. "It's lucky for us both that I have the strength to do one more thing."

She swallowed hard. "Yeah? What's that?"

Clark kissed her forehead, his lips lingering for a long moment. Then he let go of her and took a step backwards.
cat Now someone’s in deeeeep dodo.

"Good night, Lois." His voice was a deep rasp and her body responded with another shimmering tug of desire low in her belly.
LOIS: cat

He blinked in surprise. "No. I asked you to stay and I meant it. You can have the bed. I'll take the sofa."
*blinks* /goes looking for phone number of accident lawyer/ It must be somewhere. Those whiplash-injuries don’t sue themselve.

His supersuit was at the bottom and, while it seemed unlikely that Lois would stumble across it, there was always a chance that she'd ransack his suitcase in the middle of the night.
LOIS: What? It was closed.

He looked at the hide-a-bed, grateful for something to draw his thoughts away from her, and shrugged. "I've slept in worse places."

"Like where?"
CLARK: Cat’s couch.

"You know," Lois mused, "this is a pretty big bed." Her hand swooped an invitation over the empty space next to her.
Aww…she really does want to alternate beds the next night.

That was all. Just two friends sharing a bed. He could face the other way and it would almost be like she wasn't there at all… Who the heck did he think he was kidding?
His conscience. That’s all he has to kid. No worries.

Clark was instantly a little worried because it was obvious that she was working up to something. "I'd never ask you to rob a bank," he added drily.

"I'd do it," she said confidently.
Yes, she sure might be the type to ask him to rob a bank.

"Are you sure? Maybe it has already. I mean, I can't just look at you as plain old Clark anymore. Not that I thought you were plain. I always liked you--"
“What we've got here is an example of human evolution: 'before and after.' Clark is the 'before.' Superman is the 'after.'”

I always liked you--"

"No, you didn't." He grinned in her direction. "You called me a hack from Nowheresville."

"Whatever." She flapped one hand dismissively. "That was before I got to know you. Once I got to know you, I liked you."
She’s adorable with her selective realizty. It’s almost like it’s fake news.
LOIS: shock

"Superman." He choked on the name, losing his breath as a crushing kind of panic closed in. Was it too late to simply get her a new room key?
rotflol Yes. Also, he does realize that if she’s not too ticked off to sotrm out, they might end up on the couch together, right?

"I don't know. Sometimes, maybe. Let me get this straight, you want me to have romantic feelings for Superman?"
It would help with some of the cosplay he’s thinking about. And those times when Clark and Superman get split in two. Her not having romantic feelings for Superman could crimp some of the more…advanced experiments.

Lois made a small, amused grunt. "You know what? Hearing you say I was right is almost as gratifying as hearing you say you love me."

"You want me to say it again?"

She giggled softly. "Yeah."

"You were right."
Oh boy. He might get her all riled up with that dirty talk of his.

"Maybe you should kiss me again. Just to make sure you're ranking me correctly."

She'd only see the lie. There wasn't a nice way to put it. He had lied to her. Flat out, bald-faced lied to her.
No, he just told her the truth. From his point of view. It’s a very time honored tradition amongst the heroes of his age.

Regret flooded in to replace his happiness. A month from now she might not be talking to him, let alone still love him. He couldn't keep compounding the lie. He had to tell her. His mind made circles, imagining how to say it, how she'd react, how widespread the fallout would be.
He could accidentally unpack his uniform, refold it in plain sight and put it back into the suitcase together with the rest of his stuff. Play it like he always knew that she always knew.

He couldn't think of a single scenario where Lois didn't hate him after she knew the truth.
Well…maybe if she *were* in some mental bliss state? Or what if she sees him getting shot and then realizes he’s all right?

"I'm Superman," he whispered, just to try out the words.
Oh boy. She might have heard that one.

So great to have you back! Say, does this mean we’re going to be visiting the Copa too? /goes back to watching inbox like a hawk/

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.