It’s so awesome to be back! jump My hands were literally shaking as I tried to remember how to post yesterday. dizzy Thank you all so much for being so warm and welcoming! sloppy

Artemis – Yeah, I’m out of practice, too. Hope to catch you later. And I doubly hope that you’ll be passing through again this summer. I think it’s long since time for me to pick up the tab for you and Larry. smile

Jackie – OMG! I missed you! I thought about you all the time back when I was still posting and you were AWOL. I thought about emailing you, but didn’t want you to think/realize that I was working up to stalking you. blush
I’ve been feeling so terrible for Clark and so mad at Lois for being so obtuse but luckily it didn’t last too long.

Lois obtuse? lol Surely not! To be fair, she has a lot to work through – dating a sociopath, crushing on a superhero, feeling like she’s losing her best friend, work pressures, work exploding… I’m willing to cut her a little slack. thumbsup

Tracey – Oooo! Long FDK! :swoon: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
First of all, Clark fumbling around for his glasses, dropping them, almost stepping on them, then rushing to get dressed, buttoning his shirt up wrong... I was dying. That is so completely, utterly and totally perfect. The most powerful, confident being on Earth reduced to a bumbling wreck because Lois Lane said she loved him. Oh, Clark. Sometimes he just seems so very human, and that's why we love him!
For all intents and purposes, he is human (at lease I think he thinks he is) and that’s why I love him. wink

I think most writers would have jumped right into that life-changing, 'I love you' conversation, but this little pause makes it feel real.
In real life we seldom actually skip ahead (however much I sometimes wish people would just come to the frickin’ point already). Plus, I just enjoy hearing them banter in my head. wink

Seriously. I just have to tell you that I love the way you write dialogue (totally jealous of it, too, not going to lie!), and the way that you weave in these great character moments while they are talking/flirting/testing the waters.
Thanks! See above about the voices in my head. laugh

Oh, and I was going to tell you that when I got to this part and you had him turn towards the door to leave, my eyes got wide and I went, "Oh, no, you don't! Sue, don't you let him leave that room, darn it!"
No way in hell I’m letting him leave that room at that point! <heh>

Lois's bravado was so Lois, and you know she's dying inside and trying not to show it. But Clark's soft 'hey' and him waiting for her to look him in the eyes while he told her he loved her? Dyyyyyyiiinnnnng. That was a great touch!
Yeah, I was kinda squiffy on the inside picturing it in my head while writing. Glad to see it had the same effect on someone else. <g>

Haha, I had the same thought, Lois. I was rooting for the other way, too. Unbutton from now on, always unbutton.
Me, too. But we are, as you noted, on the PG side of things. huh

I love when he tries to tell himself that it'd be fine, them sleeping in the same bed. Sure, it'd be no big deal. No problem. And then he's like... Ummm, I'm an idiot, that would be a very, very bad idea. Haha, that's perfect. You've already admitted you're weak when it comes to her, Kent. Give it up.
Not only is he weak, but also he’s just admitted that to her. Inviting him to sleep in the bed, too, is Lois continuing to gamble (and betting that he continues to make level-headed decisions). How long do you think he can hold out? evil

Lois, you're terrible. I'm surprised she admitted to him that she would've said yes! Dude. I'm loving that.
Of course she admitted it! Right now they’re both a little drunk on being able to say what they’re actually thinking. Well, Lois is. Clark is still struggling a bit with telling her the whole truth.

I love this story, Sue, and I'm so happy that you came back to it. Please don't leave us too long until the next part!
Not too long, I hope. Certainly not a couple of years. blush I’m happy to be back and happy that you’re happy with the story. jump

Morgana – Yep. laugh Thank you for all the nudges to get it going again. grovel

Mozartmaid - Staying up late? Pshaw! It’ll still be here in the morning. wink Thanks for reading!

Cris – Hi! So good to see you’re still around! It’s best if you do take the time to read it all again, so I appreciate that you’re willing to do it. I’ll wait patiently (mostly) to hear back. smile
hoping this means there's also hope for Lola and her yellow feathers. And Anton...
I promise that Nice Girl will be back after I get this one finished. I have actually been working on it during my unplanned hiatus. And I’ve spent a lot of time singing “Copacobana” under my breath. Way too much time, really. blush

NostalgiaKick – Thanks! It’s sooooooo good to be back. Poor Lois was in that hallway for far too long.

Thanks again (and again and again) to you all for remembering this story. I'm truly delighted to be home again. I've missed you all! sloppy

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis