Oh my gosh! I love this chapter so so much!

I wanted to talk about all of the wonderful loveliness, but can't think about anything except how easily Lois told Clark that she loved him and then promptly locked herself out of her room without any pants on. rotflol

Okay, so back to the beginning. You were able to weave so many emotions together, but I think I like the tantalizing bits of a Lois that is no longer denying her attraction to Clark, but hasn't done anything about her desires yet.
Right now taking a shower at home included the possibility of an audience. But here was a perfectly good shower going spare.

Clark won't care, she told herself. You know he won't care.

It felt rather curious, almost erotic, to be stripping naked in her best friend's bathroom.

Actually, Lois, I think that Clark most definitely will care. He will care very much. In fact, he will want to be there to give you a good 'talking to'. grin

"Lois? Are you there, my darling?"

Lois froze, her heart hammering painfully in her chest at the realization that Lex was probably watching her at this very moment. She forced herself to sort through the stack of mail she had brought in with her, faking nonchalance. The longer the silence went the more convinced she was that he actually could see her.
Creepy, creepy, creepy. I don't think Lois should ever go home. She should move into Clark's apartment for good immediately. Good for her to basically give Lex the finger by not answering the phone. /me shivers at the ride from Lex, his 'proposal' that she sell herself for the Daily Planet, and for having to ditch Owen.

rotflol rotflol
OMG! I did not expect her to cheat by asking Perry, Jimmy, and Jack who Clark loved. I think it's hilarious that Jimmy and Perry refused to say anything and Jack just laughed at her for not realizing it was her.

From there to the end, I loved being inside Lois's head, seeing how dazed she was with the realization, with her attraction, and then the sweet picture of her falling asleep against his shoulder in the cab.

Yay! I got at least one more nighttime phone call. Can't wait for the next part!