I think that this chapter is amazing smile...

Overall, I've never noticed Perry favor Clark to Lois' side. But--we do know that Perry thinks of Lois as a daughter, and that Lois is a bit lacking in the 'cautious department'. And we know that Clark is overly careful--in almost everything he does. Based on those facts...yeah--Clark might win Perry's vote a bit more than Lois does (depending on the subject matter and safety matter of a given topic). Lois though? I definitely could see her thinking Perry is siding her out (regardless of the reality of the situation grin ).

He was challenging her, and she knew it, but she found herself unable to back away. Lois got into the limo, telling herself that Lex claimed to love her. He wouldn't do anything really terrible to her. Besides, he probably knew that Jimmy was expecting her.

Mantra that kept repeating in my head: Do not get in a car with strangers! Do not get in a car with strangers! I was freakin' out during this whole ride, Lois--not a smart move!!! eek

"There is nothing I wouldn't risk for you, Lois," he said as his eyes met hers. "Marry me, and I'll rebuild the Planet as your wedding present."

AKA--"Can I bribe you to marry me by rebuilding the Planet?" Creepy! Obsessively, desperately creepy help frown.

"Clark!" She launched herself at him and he caught her, spinning her in a hug as they both laughed.

I was almost as happy that Clark was back as Lois clap hyper grin jump. YES!!!

As they ate, Lois couldn't stop taking sideways glances at Clark, still afraid this might just be a dream. She tried to memorize the press of Clark's leg against hers and the nudge from his elbow as he reached for his drink. It felt companionable and warm, being practically snuggled up against him like this. She couldn't stop herself from casually bumping her arm against his to reassure herself that he was really there. He was really, truly there.

This was completely sweet. When the physical lines are blurred when you care about someone. How their space, your space, are one in the same. And I'm sure she realized over and over in these moments just how MUCH she had missed him. Waff galore smile.

Jack and Jimmy glanced at each other. It only fueled Lois' frustration more when she saw Jimmy shake his head slightly as if to warn Jack not to say anything.

Lois leaned forward and glared at Jimmy. "James Bartholomew Olsen! Don't you dare not tell me! Spill it!"

"It's so obvious!" Jack said with a laugh. "Have you looked in a mirror lately?"

"Don't be absurd!" Lois exclaimed in exasperation.

"All right, enough." Perry waved at Jack to be silent. "Now, darlin', I think what we're all trying to say is that, if we had to make an educated guess, well, Clark seems to be sweet on you."

"Me?" There seemed to be a roaring sound in her ears as she tried to make sense of this new development. Her? What if it really was that simple? What if Clark was in love with her? "So why doesn't he just tell me?"

Jimmy gave her an embarrassed-looking shrug. Perry smiled tightly and shook his head.

"You can't blame him for not wanting to tell you," Jack said tartly after the silence had stretched out. "I mean, everyone knows that you're in love with Superman. And you're practically engaged to Lex Luthor. That's a lot to have to compete with, you know?"

Lois shook her head. "I'm not engaged to Lex."

"And Superman?" Jack asked pointedly.

She shook her head again. "I'm not…" Her voice trailed away as she saw Clark reappear at the top of the stairs.

"What did I miss?" Clark asked as Perry stood up to allow him into the booth.

This was the perfect way for Lois to find out. The dialogue was excellent. Particularly loved Jack's responses grin.

"Me, too." Her cheeks turned warm as she realized how that might have sounded. "Miss my bed, I mean. Not your bed. Although your bed is nice. It's comfy, you know? The mattress might be a little firmer than mine, but I could definitely sleep on it again." Her blush turned even hotter. "Not that I'm planning on sleeping in your bed again! I'm not ruling it out completely, just that the possibility is unlikely. Mostly unlikely. You never know what might happen, though."

His laugh was a low rumble in her ear. "My dad always says that when you find yourself in a hole, you should stop digging."

LOL lol rotflol. This exchange was hilarious! About woke hubby up laughing laugh.

"Is it me?"

Dead silence.

Lois' breath caught in her throat. Maybe he hadn't heard her? No, he must have heard her or he would have asked her to repeat the question. Her eyes closed in embarrassment. She'd been too presumptuous. Of course he wasn't in love with her. So why didn't he just say so? The question was still there, seeming to hang heavy in the air.

After an eternity, Clark quietly said, "Yes."

Her heart began to beat again. "Oh," she whispered as her mind raced to make sense of it. Had she heard him correctly? "You, uh, you said 'yes,' right?"

It took much less time for him to answer. "Yes."

"So that's a yes, you're in love with me?"

He made a sound like a suppressed laugh. "Yes."

"Oh my god, that's so great! I'm in love with you, too!"

"You… what?"

"I love you." Lois laughed from the sheer relief of having actually said the words out loud, then stopped abruptly. "Wait! Don't say it back! I'm coming over."

She didn't wait for a reply. Lois dropped the phone in its cradle and raced to the door. She fumbled open the locks with shaking hands and rushed into the hallway. Only after she had knocked on the door of 510 did it occur to her that she wasn't wearing any pants.

It's out there! She knows! He knows! dance clap dance. And--to top it off--she is pant-less, heading to his room blush. You could not have ended this chapter any better! (But, boy, I would have loved to be able to read a few more paragraphs before you cut us off--what will Clark say when he sees her? what will Lois say? what to do about the lack of pants? help thumbsup notworthy ).

Loving it!



Lois ran down the stairs, sparing a glance at the hallway that led to the first floor laundry room. Her clothes weren't done yet, and it seemed worth the risk of losing half her wardrobe to find out what Jimmy had learned.

True story--in college, one friday evening, I was doing laundry at the laundry mat. Stayed while the laundry was in the washer, transfered it to the dryer, then left while it was finishing up (errand, homework, something needed done...can not remember wink ). Go back--late that night--to pick up my laundry. Three or four guys were there, at the laundry mat, when I walked in. Their conversation STOPPED the second I walked in. Creepy eek. I went quickly to my dryer, carrying my laundry basket, to retrieve my clothes and get the heck out of there. No clothes in the dryer. At all. Empty! shock. Check the dryer to the right. The dryer to the left. Empty, too. dizzy. Where was my stuff??? (Guys presently still quiet...watching me). Looked around a little more--panicky (due to guys and lack of laundry) and got out of there quick. Went home (I was living with my sister in a college rental house) and balled. Where were my clothes??? (and it was a LOT of clothes--big load). A few hours later--now it's early morning--go back to laundrymat, with sister in tow. Protection (not really, but comforting, none the less wink ). Go to orignal dryer. All laundry in the dryer. Completely clean, dry. Cried with relief. Filled laundry basket. Went home. Apparently a really cruel prank--by really immature college guys razz splat frown --who had absolutely nothing better to do.

Moral of the story: If it's laundry you love, stay with it thumbsup. Good luck to you, Lois!

Last edited by LMA; 10/29/15 09:48 AM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~