That's the one, Lynn!

New Quote:

"Alice was visiting her sister when it all happened. She can't get a flight out of Des Moines."

"I'm sorry."

"She knows how I feel about her and what she's meant to me. That's the important thing," Perry said. "How's Clark doing?"

"Things started coming back last night," Lois said. "Having his parents here really helped. But still… a lot's still missing."

"Maybe he's the lucky one," Perry mused. "If he doesn't remember the way it was, maybe he won't miss it."

Frank Madison came on the television screen as LNN started airing the news conference. Again Daitch stood at the podium. "Ladies and gentlemen, people of the world. As you have no doubt read, there is evidence that Superman did return to Earth. However, he has not, as yet, made contact with us. We don't know why he has not contacted us and we fear the worst, that he was injured and is now unable to help us. However, there is no need for panic. Even without Superman's help, we are confident we can handle this latest challenge with existing resources." Daitch moved aside for Zeitlin. "General?"

"We have several delivery systems," Zeitlin stated. "Notably the Asgard booster, which we are in the process of re-programming. At the same time, we're currently attaching nuclear payloads which, if we can deliver them, should break up the second asteroid, 'Shiva II'. We hope to be ready to launch in a few hours."

"And the chances they can hit something like that?" someone in the newsroom asked.

Jimmy chuckled but there was no mirth in it. "You know how many times the chief's VCR's been in the shop? Things break. Things don't work. And they gotta hit this moving target and get it right the first time. I'm not feeling lucky, are you?"

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon