LOL!!!! rotflol Okay, I guess I hate those "forever-pre"-relationship stories as much as Wendy possibly loves them! Ah, those stories which end by telling us that Clark and Lois may actually become friends sometime in the (far) future. Or those where Clark is contemplating telling Lois his secret, but then again, acting rashly is never a good idea.... Or those which get them stuck in a Tempus-created time loop, where they can never progress past cuddling on the couch, so that they can never have any children of their own and Tempus has made sure that Utopia can never happen. Well! Those of you who love the "forever-pre" tales, David has written the ultimate, ultimate story for you! Come back here and read it whenever you think Clark is coming on to Lois a little bit too strong. And all you wonderful writers out there, now that David has given all of us this immaculate tribute to pure platonic yearning, perhaps you can take Clark and Lois past the lull of eternal "pre" now? Pretty please?
