You're a foodie too??? I could go on for hours about some of the Master Chef inspired recipies I've found/ come up with. laugh

Yeah, me too. And I love to cook for friends.

Also I like baking and creating chocolate candy/truffles. drool Some coworkers already mentioned that I am creating my own customers: bringing chocolate and cake so they get overweight and then giving the advice how to lose the additional pounds. grin angel-devil

I still wish we'd gotten to see more of 'married' LnC or 'dating' LnC instead of this one extreme to another but that's just me I guess.

Many shows went down after the marriage of the two leading characters ("I dream of Jeannie" is another example even if that one's much older than me ). The fanfiction on this page for example shows us that it doesn't have to be that way. It seems to me that many series/writers didn't think in advance about the changes that can happen when their characters say "I do". I would have loved to see Lois and Clark grow further into their marriage and raise a child.

I am a fan of Superman since I have known him, although I can't remember when I saw the first film. I preferred the second, because of Lois and Clark becoming a couple - for a short time but I never understood why Clark couldn't have a relationship AND keeping his powers. grumble

I remember seeing the trailer for LnC and I remember being instantly in love with the show. I have rewatched every season several times, with the exeption of the Wedding Argh... sorry... Arc laugh (especially the third episode, I have seen that one less than 5 times I think razz ).

My other 2 favorite from the 90's are Buffy and The secret world of Alex Mack
I loved those, and Charmed too. smile1
