Name: Talia Joy
Occupation: Student, at college learning web development!
Things You Enjoy: Various things related to graphic and web design, thinking, writing my thoughts and opinions, drawing, theology and the Bible, kids
What You Love Most About LnC: Dean Cain's gorgeousness...just kidding! (I'd be lying if I said that wasn't somewhere relatively high on the list.)

Really, I think what I love most about it is probably the way it just shows Clark's humanity so much coexisting with his unimaginable power. That's always been the most fascinating and interesting thing about Superman in general to me, and this show does a lot more to show it than many versions of Superman. I also think the Lois Lane in this show is one of the best in Superman history - she just feels a lot more fleshed-out and well-rounded as a character as opposed to just being a generic headstrong woman/damsel-in-distress/love interest combo.

I also really love just how bizarre this show is, and how it somehow makes it work as well as it does! I mean, really, it's in a category all its own. A superhero show, and a rom-com, and so much more...

Really, I'm a big Superman fan in general and Lois & Clark definitely succeeds in giving me a lot of things I want that many other Superman incarnations fail to do as successfully. Especially those times when it just so effectively shows the intersection of the human and the "super" in a poignant and meaningful way. And I also just really appreciate it so much for its unique character and vision.

Favorite Episode: Believe it or not, I haven't watched the whole series; even though I started in like, 2015, I'm still not through the third season...pretty sad! It's not that I don't like it, but I didn't really warm up to it as much until Season 2; on top of that, I just personally have a thing where I consume entertainment extremely slowly even if I really like it, in part because I don't want it to be over - LOL! The other part is that I'm never really sure what to expect from the show, and sometimes I think I won't like an episode because of its premise...though a LOT of the time, the episodes that I think will turn me off from the premise turn out to be really great anyway! xD

At any rate, I'm not completely sure of all my favorite episodes, but here are a few I really love:
  • Pilot
  • Requiem for a Superhero
  • Season's Greedings
  • Metallo
  • Tempus Fugitive

Ugh...not gonna lie, thinking back on how great this show is makes me kinda hate myself for not only not watching the whole thing, but for not rewatching it thirty times over...LOL! I think the fact that there are fans around who have watched the show many times and many years ago but still find new things to do with their love should help me be less afraid of "using up" and getting tired of the show.

Anyway, this isn't a part of the questionnaire, but I do want to add a little about why I'm here to begin with. I've only been a Superman fan for a few years, but I'm honestly a bit obsessed and I love thinking in-depth about the franchise. So I'm honestly pretty desperate to meet some fans who I can talk to about it, because I don't know a lot of people I can do that with yet! The Lois & Clark fandom seems like a good place to start because I have a lot of love for that show and I feel like I'll have more common ground with its fans than other segments of Superman fans. I started reading L&C fanfic on the archive and I have to say, it's a ton of fun! I'm really excited to meet you all, and hopefully write some fanfiction myself!