Yay! Paul fic! laugh

Steph sighed, her hand pressed to her forehead. "I know, I know. But he's sick. He can't do it this time."

Next to Paul, Timmy had been taking notes. There were papers scattered in front of him, including three different notepads, a copy of the script for the day, an outline of the story arc, and some bits and pieces of another planned story. "Don't worry," he said without looking up from his scribblings, "I'll figure something out."

"Thanks, Timmy," Paul said, relieved. "Let me know what you come up with."
Hee... Is that going to be the "What am I, a beverage?" scene? goofy

"His major concern right now is the Enforcer. The mock-up of the cockpit is moving along, but we're still working with the computer guys on the rest."

"I see," Paul said, making a note of his own. "Well, we have time on that. What's going on with Gotham?"
/me raises an eyebrow... hrm... wonder what they're up to...

"There were a dozen of them made over the course of the show," Timmy said, as he jotted something down on one of his notepads. "A couple were sold to collectors and such, but most of them are on tour around the country."
Oh! Wait... no, it can't be the Tim and Amber Lake collection. You said through WWW. Hmmm

/me goes back to scratching her head

"I was going to ask if we could start shooting some of the later scenes first, since I'm rewriting the beginning, but I just realized there are no later scenes now."
Uh oh...

They only spoke of such things when they were sure they were out of earshot. At least, they thought they were out of earshot.

"For some reason, I've had the old west on my mind this week." He couldn't tell her that the strange dreams he'd been having had started shortly after his exposure to Red Kryptonite had weakened his mental defenses. Even with that, he wasn't sure where the dreams had come from. Last night, he'd dreamed that Jesse James had tried to rob his parents, only it was 1966, his parents were a young couple, and Clark had been a baby. It had been very disorienting.
LOL!! goofy

"Other plans?" Martha repeated, interest clear in her voice. "For dinner? Tonight?"

"Yeah," Clark replied happily.

"With Lois?"


"Didn't you two go out last night?"
You know, I can just hear Clark's dreamy sigh and Martha's knowing grin (because you can hear grins. Really, you can wink ). And I *love* the "With Lois?" "Yeah." part because... I can't say why; it just sounds *right*.

For the first time in what had felt like far too long, he'd focused entirely on his immediate surroundings. That, he'd found, had been something he'd needed to do more than he'd realized, and his company for the evening had made it an eminently enjoyable experience.
Awwww! smile

Clark tuned the rest of the conversation out and sat back to think. A mysterious secret military project run by people who might have an eye out Superman... that did not sound good, and with so little to go on, he and Lois were going to have their work cut out for them.
Wait! I was just getting into this! frown

(Not to mention finally figuring out what was going on... but I guess too much chemistry and algebra can fry one's brain. dizzy Had I read the promo and intro correctly... :rolleyes: )

BUT! The important part is that I get to be smug because I've got the rest of the file! devil

Sara (off to read more wink )

Edited to include part no. in header.

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