Cindy, I love this story! I'm so glad to have another part (please don't make the wait for part 3 too long!!)

I love how you describe certain elements of this sticky situation...

In tragedies like this, reporters tended to pick out the names of those that might have even minor celebrity status, and CJ’s name fit the bill, even at papers other than those in Metropolis. He had been the son of fairly well-known, award-winning reporters. He had also been a four-year letter winner on a major, successful, college football program, landing his obituary on more than a few sports pages throughout the country. The Daily Planet had a nice sidebar on their personal connection to CJ, written by Jimmy and a few other reporters that had known the Kent family for a long time. The coverage didn’t bother Jon, honestly. He was just glad that he hadn’t been asked to participate in any of it.
I love the way you paint this picture, on dealing with his own obituary. He seems removed, but there is an undertone in your writing that suggests to me that he finds this a little uncomfortable, which is really understandable. thumbsup

Now seriously, how will Bruce handle this one?? What's ahead for Jon, Jenny... and just the whole Kent clan?? Come back please!!! smile smile