Ha! That was really funny. I always enjoy stories about muses and their inhuman behavior, especially when the writer the muse is trying to inspire skids into a brick wall when trying to follow up on the muse's starting points. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten a beginning - even if it's just a title or a first sentence - and ended up staring at my monitor for hours as if waiting for the story to write itself.

Thalia sounds like the snarky class of muse. I think she'd get along very well with Psychotropia and Polyskitsodia. Of course, someone would have to referee. My muses have some sharp teeth.

(I actually typed "shark" instead of "sharp" the first time. Maybe they're whispering in my ear again. Or maybe it was a Freudian slip.)

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing