Also I'd like to make a request that the Kerth team give guidelines for HOW to judge certain categories, as I'm never quite sure if everyone judges in the same way. I'm pretty certain what is actually meant by the categories, but I'd like some clarity, please.

For example:

Best first kiss. Is this literally just the kiss - the describing of it, or is it the whole scene involving the 'set up' and 'lead in', or is it that the kiss scenario is original and exciting, or is it that the 'whole' fic - with a first kiss in it - is being judged?

Same for Best Revelation. Is a really long fic - which happens to have a revelation in it - because most of them do, but is truly about some other long term plot - actually eligible? Does the fic have to MOSTLY be about the revelation? Are we judging ONLY the scene with the revelation - and how original it is?

Finally (and I hope not controversially) - I would like to suggest a rethink to the best overall category. It is almost a complete copy of the longest category (with a few obviously great fics from the next category down). I think this is because the longer a fic is, the more substance there is to it, the more people become invested in the story, the more they remember it, so it is bound to be nominated in both categories. I love the idea of this category, but wonder if it should be approached differently. I have an idea, but I also understand that everyone else - including the Kerth committee - may not feel the same as me. If so, then just tell me to shut up and I'll go and sulk in the corner smile

My idea: I wonder if this should be a 'which winning fic got the most votes', behind the scenes award. We don't vote for it, but the winning fics from all the other categories, could have their votes checked and the one which got the most (ie was much more 'clear' winner in its category) should be the winner.

So, there's my two-cents worth. (Notice how I managed to use cent rather than penneth grin)

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."