Oh, what a nice, lovely day in the park. So kind of you to give us an angst-free part. whistle
The ground is shivering, is sloping up and down (as if finally, so very belatedly, recognizing the extent, the enormity, of Lois’s crimes and is now trying to hurl her off into empty infinity, rid itself of her blemish)
Uh oh... eek (love the metaphor, BTW)
Like the world had vanished beneath his feet. Like every rule and law of nature had been broken, remolded and shaped to oh so perfectly and neatly destroy the life he’d oh so carefully built. Like Earth itself had risen up in revolt against him.
“Are you okay?” the clerk asks in reply, eyes locked on the various cuts and scrapes carving a scrawled map of guilt and realization over Lois’s exposed flesh (her sins finally shown on the outside, bleeding out into the open).
This visual is such a powerful metaphor. And then, the polite social lie again. No one is fine. mecry
And then...sob whinging Clark truly has nothing if he doesn't have the people who remind him that Clark still exists. Heartbreaking!
Such an emotional story!

You can find my stories as Groobie on the nfic archives and Susan Young on the gfic archives. In other words, you know me as Groobie. wink