You know, I had a feeling that the end of this section might get some sort of a reaction... smile1 Yes, there are other ways around it - Lois could arrange power of attorney for Clark or, as Susan says, she could write a living will. But those, I guess, just aren't options she would immediately think of. The living will is something she could do herself - Clark would write it for her, true - but would there be questions about whether it was really Lois's wishes? And if she wasn't compos mentis - which would be when it'd need to kick in - she couldn't verify that she drafted it. The power of attorney thing... she'd need to get a lawyer for that, and at 10pm that's not easy.

So she thinks of Las Vegas and a quickie marriage. wink

Aside from your reactions to her proposal, what really made my week with the comments on this section was those of you who commented on the manila folder linking Lois's desk with Clark's. I don't even know where that idea came from. It just appeared out of nowhere when I was writing, and I wasn't sure that anyone else would see it as touching, the way I did. Yvonne, when BRing, loved it. And, Pam, your reaction both here and on IRC made me want to hug you. goofy

Seriously, I love your posts. You make me laugh, you make me blush and you leave me humbled and grateful. Thank you so much.

And, also, thank you to everyone else who's posted comments. all your feedback means so much to me. I don't think I have ever got so much feedback on a story before - certainly not consistently, on every section. And I'm in awe and very, very grateful. You're amazing and I love you all. sloppy

Part 18 coming up in a few minutes.

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*