I definitely felt a sense of closure for Clark in this part. A finality. He's back as Superman. Lois recognizes that he's Clark. Everything's right in his world, well, as right as can be now, so he can now move forward. I don't see him imagining Lois in this future. He's moved past his anger with Lois. He's proven to himself that he has forgiven her. She can now leave and go back to her old life, and he believes he can move forward and start this new chapter.

Lois wanted to stay with Clark until he was healed. Well, that didn't take long. He's all better now, so bye-bye, right? Nope. I don't think she's quite ready to leave yet. Will Clark (or the Kents, or Jimmy) kick her out? No, I can't see Clark or the Kents sending her away, Jimmy maybe though. They might wonder why she doesn't leave. Will she outstay her welcome? The closure I feel is only on Clark's side. He has forgiven her all the hurt that she's brought upon him and his family. They've moved on.

BUT Lois hasn't forgiven herself. Until she does, she can't move on... can't move forward. Of course, she would then have to admit that what she did was wrong... and wrong in a monstrous way. What crazy Lois plan will she come up with to clear her conscious of this hideous act that she enacted upon Clark and the Kent family?

Clearly, what happened in Smallville was seen differently (until Lois exposed Clark) between the two of them (and Clark realized how extraordinarily pissed off Lois was), so I'm dying to know WHAT DID HAPPEN?!

You're always so great at building suspense. Can't wait to read what happens next! I know I say this every FDK, but are you ready to up your posting schedule yet? grovel

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.