Dear, regarding this chapter I have a question about the language, which is an aspect that I always savour while reading your stories (regardless of what's happening :P). I quote:

For days, for weeks, the feel of that sunlight has been all-consuming as he chases it across the miles of ground and ocean, begging it to return him to his natural state, pleading with it to allow him to once more be Superman. But today, it holds little of his attention.

You chose to write your story in the present tense and it's okay, I totally see your point... But in the piece above I personally would have used chased instead of chases, because it appears to me that you're referring to a previous time (for weeks, for days )in which Clark could only think about the healing qualities of the sunlight (now his thoughts are all about Lois). I mean, he's chasing the light now like he did before, but we're also talking about two different moments in which his state of mind was different, right?
I don't know if I made myself clear or if this is just a messy rambling...

Go I Know Not Whither and Fetch I Know Not What