Oh wow! I feel like we are at a major turning point. Lex is back. We are, aren't we? I can feel it. I can hear the creepy music and I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach. Part 14 is going to be a major turning point. I just don't know which way you're going to turn us, so I can't brace myself! help

Unless I'm way off...

But I can feel this one in my bones!! So...

Anyway - this was a wonderful section, Wendy! Unlucky for some, definitely! Poor Lois! I can't stand this; she's clearly getting worse! And I understand that Dr. Sutton has other things going on besides his last minute emergency w/ Lois, but I, too, was thrown by him needing Clark to remind him of symptoms that he'd already been informed of. It could be that he is just really busy. It could be that he forgot momentarily about that one symptom. But... I am not yet putting full trust in him. The only people on my innocent list at the moment are: Perry, Jimmy, Clark, Henderson and Bobby Bigmouth wink .
Over the next hour, she was sick another three times. Each time, he was there for her, soothing her afterwards, holding her hand
Lois is a lucky girl! I had food poisoning a few weeks back, and all I had was my cat, who I love love love who was by my side! But he's not exactly Clark Kent and he can't hold hands. Yet (we're working on it). goofy
Lois’s eyes fluttered closed again and her hand in his went limp. He leaned forward and stroked her hair, willing her to rest and feel better soon.

But a horrible suspicion was beginning to dawn.
Wendy, this is amazing! I love the way you've written this whole scene, but especially this moment, when Clark begins to realize that things are not looking up, like they'd thought. Something is wrong. Just the imagery you've used - her hand going limp, her eyes fluttering closed and him offering comfort when his own mind is moving wildly, realization dawning... you can just feel his fear in these carefully chosen, perfect words. goofy