Whoa! You threw a joker into the mix - I never thought about the New Kryptonians! Well done.

Anyway, sleep well, now that you know who died (the 1,000 or so other NKers are the "who said I've only killed off one person, btw - unless, of course, I still kill Clark).

So all the Kryptonians (except for Clark, Zara, and Kala) are now dead. It's like comic book canon where Clark is the only survivor.

I agree with previous posters. I think Zara would want to stay in Metropolis near Lois and Clark. They are basically her remaining family, and Clark would certainly want to make sure that Zara wanted for nothing (he would feel that would be his duty, I'm sure.)

I'm hoping that Kryptonian immune systems don't reject foreign hearts (maybe they don't under a yellow sun) so that Clark won't have to take meds and have biopsies taken, etc.

BTW - since Clark is now officially a transplant recipient, how are you going to finesse the need for followup care on him? You don't just get a transplant and then walk away - you have to keep up with the anti-immune meds, checkups, etc.