Hey Meerkat

Sorry did not notice your question or I would have replied sooner. Reflecting on my previous comments I have decided that it could work, but let me first answer why I thought it would have been a LnC replica:

The way that you have written it just seems to be Lois and Clark all over again. The denial on the part of Nathan (rather then the female - being Lois, it is now a male, which granted might introduce a new perspective but it is still a copy cat). Also I think that this relationship is leading to another "Soul Mate" type story line. I think that it would just be too ironic and predictable that the children of the perfect couple (being Lois and Clark) grow up to move on and have perfect relationships themselves. Going along with the "Soul Mate" idea, I think that creating another generation takes away from the specialness of LnC. It is not everyday that one finds there soul mate and by having it happen in two consecutive generations takes away from that special bond (dreamlike/fantasy world ideas) that LnC share.

The reasons I think it could work:

The story would be told from a different perspective based on gender. The stubborn, hard headed and even sometimes cold hearted character would now be a male where as the naive, one man can save the world, compassionate and caring character would now be female. With that we would also see how Super Powers get in the way of leading a healthy relationship from a female point of view.

OK I think that is all I have to say and I hope this helps. One key pointer I have for you is to continue writting the story regardless of what others say and granted I do have a "strange" outlook on the world so definately do not base your descision on my opinion. Good luck and if you have further questions please post! If I think of anything else I will do the same.

Thanks, Judy