Nice idea.
Originally Posted by Queen of the Capes
“You can do things right, this time; fix history so there's no cage, no wedding, and no sickening marriage with bratty kids.”
My first thought is Clark is not going to think his own marriage or his own kids.

-No cage, he will understand that one.

-No sickening marriage , here he will be thinking of the sickening marriage of Lex and Lois. He will be pleased to stop that.

-No ... bratty kids. Yup, no kids for Lois and Lex.

From Clark's point of view he just needs to keep Lois from marrying Lex and from having kids.

So since he already knows Metropolis he won't need to be partnered with Lois and he will be focusing on bringing down Lex.

I think he also will completely avoid the Daily Planet as Superman, also I think he should be wear a very different costume.

I think he will want to hide his alien origins and any clue to his identity. So have him dress as Ironman.

Have him use a voice modifier and strong accents.
