Originally posted by mrsMxyzptlk:

3. Before Superman shows up, break into the warehouse on Bessolo Blvd. and take his ship. Bureau 39 wouldn't be expecting it, and I'm sure he could do some surveillance and find a way in and out without being caught. While he's at it, take some random files along with the Smallville ones, just to throw things off a bit.

4. Have his dad talk to Wayne Irig about the tree. He's got to prevent Wayne from sending any samples of any as-yet-unfound interesting minerals to any labs for analysis.

6. He will really have to watch himself around Lois because he knows her much better than she thinks he has reason to. He has to remember not to say anything that would give her reason to believe that he has more information than he should (e.g., mentioning her relationship with her dad, being familiar with the layout of her apartment, knowing that her sister is staying with her, etc.).

If he changes things enough, especially if he finds evidence on Luthor early, things won't unfold as he remembers, but I'm sure he'd still be on the lookout for, for example, Miranda. Maybe he couldn't find a way to prevent her from spraying the newsroom, but he decides to take Lois up on her offer of playing hookey before Lois gets sprayed.

Anyway, there's my brain-dump on the subject.
On #3) Wouldn't that bring the more contingency-related aspects of Bureau 39 into play and give them legitimacy? If something was stolen from their warehouse (even if it was de-commissioned) it'd bring thing to the government's attention. I'd expect they'd have an even stronger response.

On #4) I guess that would leave the red K out there. It's not as debilitating, luckily. Now that I think on that though, it would leave that one large one that affects him in Season 4 (that require a touch of green to counteract). That one's probably the most dangerous version of Red K out there (and could potentially be as valid of a weapon by Trask than ANY of the Green K.)

On #6) I thought Lois's "hookey" comment came up AFTER Miranda sprayed the office. Clark DID bring it up before she's sprayed but I only remember Lois wanted to take him up on it after slinking over to his desk in a seductive manner. I suppose he could press his interest in getting out of there. OTOH, him pressing something like that would catch Lois's investigative attention and would make her think he has an ulterior motive (well, he does, just no the one she'd probably come up with). After her comment early in season 1 (that I expect wouldn't end up happening in a do-over) she'd put out her "three rules" right then making it so he'd have to either "break" her rules (and risk a harrassment case then) or take the consequences of the spray (unless he can switch Miranda's custom bottle-which I doubt).

CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx.
CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me.
-"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)