Originally Posted by VirginiaR
You are seriously torturing Clark here. He's trying to start his relationship with Lois on some solid ground but you keep pulling out the rug from under him.
You don't have the monopoly on torturing Clark, you know. wink

Originally Posted by VirginiaR
Lois really jumps to wrong conclusions with Clark, showing that she doesn't trust him. After everything he told her the previous day, I would hope she'd be less jumpy and trust him more. I'm glad he spoke up about this. Lana wasn't helping either.
Lois was pretty shaken up the day before, and she had been given plenty of reason to think the worst of Clark. Just because they talked things out, that doesn't mean that it's all really solidified in her head. She trusts him, but her knee-jerk reaction is so ingrained that it hasn't been long enough to change that yet.

Lana doesn't realize the state of Clark's relationship with Lois. She just thinks she's being funny and joking around with an old friend.

Originally Posted by VirginiaR
So funny the bit about Pete being a senator (also, I *loved* the whole epilogue. lol Lana putting her foot down. Hopefully, she heard what a creep Lex was from Clark.)
In the comics, Pete served as a senator, then later the Vice President under Luthor. I figure that with Lex coming back from the dead the day after (I think?) Clark asked Lois out, it was the perfect time for the two of them to try to get together as running mates. devil

Originally Posted by Framework4
First off I loved it and was laughing really hard. Thanks much it was great fun.

Originally Posted by VirginiaR
What's up next? A visit from Diana?


Now I'd like to see Bruce Wayne or Ted Kord in town for some reason.

Or how about having Karen Starr show up to talk to Clark?
Originally Posted by Mike M
Cousin Kara has yet to make her appearance. I always love the way she make Clark squirm by being suggestive in front of Lois...

Glad you enjoyed it! I don't have any plans for follow-ups to this story. I think that Clark has endured enough visitors. But I do have vague ideas for a story involving Bruce Wayne, and I have two different stories that have Diana show up. One is pretty much just a premise at the moment, but the other one is in progress. I haven't figured out how I want it to end, though. No plans for Karen, but Kara might show up in some future story (after I've finished my various other in-progress stories.... I'm a fairly slow writer.)

"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)