Is it me or have things changed regarding secret identities? I've never read comics but I was a big fan of Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman while growing up in the 70s. No one ever knew their secret identity, only a trusted few. And if some one did find out, it was a huge deal. I was floored when Lois learned Clark was Superman in "Superman 2". Up to that point, it just hadn't been done.

Fast forward to the 90s. Instead of being isolated only with her watcher, Buffy Summers has friends who help her. Half the town came to know her powers. Both recent incarnations of Spider Man (2000s) let Peter Parker have the girl. And in the CW "Arrow", the team keeps growing and growing. People keep finding out that Oliver is the Arrow but the revelation is subdued.

So if there was a new TV version of Superman, would Perry and Jimmy be part of the team?