Awwww!! You guys are making me all teary-eyed this morning with your comments. *hugs* Thank you so, SO much!!

You know... I wish I could take credit for the whole idea - but I really can't. When Lisa requested that I do this song for her, she also gave me an idea of the direction this should take -- Lois saying goodbye to Superman at the end of WWW so that she could be with Clark. That was all her idea, not mine. I just made the story fit with her concept.

Laura - thanks! I know exactly what you mean, we're so used to knowing that Clark is Superman that it's easy to forget that for a good long while Lois didn't know that he was. I'm real glad I could make you see it through her perspective. smile

symbolicangel - thank you!! I'm happy you enjoyed watching the vid. I agree, the music at the very beginning is almost haunting - I get that feeling every time I hear it. It's such a gorgeous song!!

Sue - weee! thank you! You balanced the notebook on your knees for this? ...boy, the things we do for this fandom. *lol* I'm touched that you felt it was worthy of the acrobatics you had to perform to be able to see it. smile1

DJ is back! laugh Yay! Thank you for the comments, they mean a lot to me. I'm thrilled that you liked it!

Camy - aaawww! thank you!! And yes, I think Lois made the right choice, too. Especially since it's *that* Clark. *giggles* He's a lot hotter than the other ones. hehehehe!

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies