Awwww!! Thank you! I'm so glad you guys like this video! blush

Jessi - *waves* Thanks for being the first to comment. hehe!
Poor Lois. What a false choice! As yummy as Clark looks throughout this video, I want to kick him for putting her through that.
I knoooooow!! I want to kick him, too. *lol* I mean, I understand the whole "but she needs to pick the man over the superhero" thing, but if he'd only told her... she always did love the man and not his powers, she was just a little blinded by the spandex (and the hip sway, I bet!) *shrugs*

Sara, I'm glad you enjoyed it! And YAY for someone else melting at the same place I did. hehe!

Lisa!! Weeee! *bounces* I'm SO happy that you liked it, you have no idea! And *of course* it says "For Lisa" at the beginning... I did make it for you, didn't I? You picked the song and all, too, so I owe you credit for the inspiration. Thank you for that!

DJ - I'll be looking forward to hearing more of your thoughts. wink

Tahu - thank you! I really like Carrie, too. She's really awesome! I'm happy you liked the vid!

lcfan4ever - thanks for the comments! I did try and use at least some scenes that aren't used by everyone else - I'm glad you liked that!

Jana - awww! thank you! *hugs* I'm happy you liked the little going back and forth between Clark and Superman. When I heard the beat at that moment in the song, I just knew I had to do this. Wasn't easy, but I think it's worth it. smile

Thanks everyone! I really appreciate it!!

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies