Sorry to drag this up again, but I just wanted to thank you so much for the additional feedback, not just for this vid but also for the others (From Krypton With Love, Blaze of Glory). I kind of dropped off the face of the message boards for a while as RL took over. I'm still really busy and there are, I'm sorry to say, no new vids on the horizon right now. There are a few songs/musical pieces for which I have some ideas, but it will be a while before I actually have time to sit down and make a new video.

Thanks again to everyone. You made my week! smile

Fanfic | MVs

Clark: "Lois? She's bossy. She's stuck up, she's rude... I can't stand her."
Lana: "The best ones always start that way."

"And you already know. Yeah, you already know how this will end." - DeVotchKa