WOAH! eek Thank you everyone who post fdk. I Love to know what you guy's think. WOW! That's alot of fdk laugh YAY! And to answer your question tj

I do remember they used Paint it Black in the spooky movie with Kevin Bacon...and the title on that on escapes me as well.
This song is actually from the movie "Stir of echos" that's the movie you were thinking of. smile

Thanks for the fdk.


Me: what are you looking at *Snatches pic* OMFG! Dean smeared in peanut butter?! WTF?!
Sara: LMAO it was chocolate!! smeared in chocolate!
Me: LMFAO chocolate smeared in chocolate!
Sara: LMAO the *chocolate* isn't smeared in chocolate!
Me: that's the way i read it. was trying to picture chocolate smeared in chocolate