Shayne this was very depressing to read today. Maybe it is because I have a cold and feel in the need of something a little more hopeful. I hope it gets better for Clark soon. The poor guy is really having a hard time all around and it is not his fault. I hope Lois gives him a little more kindness then she has at this point. I am sure it is hard for her to imagine a 16/17 year old boy in a relationship with an adult as a victim, but he was a victim. He is still being victimized by everyone around him. It isn't fair and I would not mind at all if you send him my way for some comfort. wink Lois seems to be lacking in this department. I hope she changes her thoughts and feelings about him soon. :p Laura

Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"