OK, sometime around the 4th of July, I started a new story that has grown and grown and grown...well, suffice it to say, it has taken over my whole life <g>. As I was first tripping over the ideas I had for scenes, I felt this incredible need to purge myself of the images that kept running through my brain. I needed a "feel" to express what I wanted this story to be. Something to go back to when I needed a reminder of what I wanted to accomplish.

So I stopped writing and spent a couple of days brain-dumping all of these images, hoping that then they would leave me alone. I ended up with a Teaser Trailer. Except I was so far from finishing I wasn't ready to tease anybody with anything. At least I had that "feel" that I'd wanted to capture...well, as best as I could with existing clips, anyway. wink

Since I hope to begin posting this within the next month, I'm ready to put the Teaser out there. I'm hoping that it'll give me that last spurt of energy to sprint for the finish.

Anyway, here it is. In both Windows Media Player and Real Media formats.
Haunting Eden Teaser Trailer - Windows Media Player Version
Haunting Eden Teaser Trailer - Real Player Version

Thanks to Elena and Annette for helping me get this uploaded. sloppy


Edited to fix the trailer links

You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah