I would say that direct popular vote would work better laugh And don't say that it wouldn't work because larger states would always "choose" the president because that's not true. Not everyone in the same state would vote for the same person/party. A democrat state still would have independents (who can vote either way) and republicans specially the way sociaty is right now where people move from one state to the other. At least with a direct popular vote you just have your own people to blame for the guy that is your President laugh And trust me, I still blame the stupid Brazilians that voted for Lula twice even after all the corruption and scandal in his first government :rolleyes: But at least it was the people's choice... it wasn't an electoral college making that decision. Electoral college used to make sense back when the country wasn't as big as it is now but I don't think it works anymore.


"It's not the years that count, it's the moments, right now as they happen." (Clark Kent to Lois Lane - Brutal Youth - S4)