Raquel, welcome to the party! The more the merrier.
Thanks, Roger smile And I really appreciate your posts because you've been truth to what you believe in and you're not insensitive to other people's opinions and feelings smile We can always agree to disagree and respect different views and that's what I like about your posts, Ann's and Paul's. You guys rock! thumbsup

So any accusation is just that, an accusation. It has never been proven that the president said anything he believed to be false. If you are liberal, then you are inclined to believe Bush deliberately lied. That's fine, but it's not fact.
I'm not liberal or conservative, I fall in the middle and that's why I will register as an independent when the time comes. I believe he lied for the same reasons Ann gave you (the press not reporting anything about it, not even foreign press, etc. After all, you would think that it would be such a big deal to the press if they really had found those weapons of massive destruction confused ) Besides I find it hard to believe that the security agencies wouldn't know better unless they were trying to make President Bush look bad. Believe me I know some things about NSA, for example, and I can assure you that NSA have all the means to know better wink

As for the statement that Bush would have lost re-election in 2004 if 9/11 hadn't happened is strange. How would you know that?
Because he wasn't that popular before 9/11 wink But then I'm not sure if Kerry would have won either since he was kind of weak so I guess we will never know. All I know is that 9/11 helped President Bush a lot and his popularity improved afterwards.

For all you know, you might have ended up being a big Bush supporter, though agreeing with everything Ann and Paul says probably means that you'd be a Democrat in which case you'd probably hate Bush anyway.
Again, like I said before I'm not liberal or conservative. I don't like President Bush not because of what party he is in (I could care less since I would probably vote for Rudolph Giuliani if he was a candidate. I really like his views regarding illegal immigration, for example and of course other things as well). I don't like him because he has put this country in a worse situation internationally (if you’re American now and travels anywhere in the world you’re probably in a bigger danger than you were before). Not to mention that you don’t have many allies. He has spent too much money in an unjustified war. Our economy is worse than it was in the past. People can’t buy as much as they could before frown

President Bush campaigned in 2000 on a platform of fixing things at home. He would be a domestic president instead of an international president.
It seems like he didn’t fix anything at home, quite the opposite, actually. Where is our progress? Besides a good president in my book is one that can balance national and international matters because just a very naïve person could believe that we can ignore the rest of the world nowadays. And we know that his election in 2000 was strange to say the least.

Raquel (who is a pacifist and doesn’t want to upset anyone and thinks we should just agree to disagree and move on smile )

P.S.: Roger, I love your signature because I love Enchanted and because the scene with the song “That’s How You Know” is one of my favorites! See, we can find something to agree on wink

"It's not the years that count, it's the moments, right now as they happen." (Clark Kent to Lois Lane - Brutal Youth - S4)