I love Mindy Church, but couldn't possibly vote for HIWTHI because of Baby Gunderson.
Okay, now that reminds me that HIWTHI *was* a Christmas episode. I guess I should amend my previous statement. I liked parts of HIWTHI.

I'm torn between the other two episodes, though. I love the angst in Home Is Where The Hurt Is, and I would have liked to have seen that expanded on. (Clark recovered from the kryptonite mighty quickly, don't you think?)
Yeah, that doesn’t make sense since he couldn’t rescue Luthor when he fell to his death. In one of my fics, I made it so he reached down deep inside himself and found the strength to rescue Lois and his parents and found the power where none should have existed. Then, too, I’d imagine different chunks of kryptonite might emit different amounts of radiation.

Certainly, I never burst into spontaneous song with my dad at Christmas. (Since I can barely sing and he couldn't sing at all, that is surely a blessing for the whole world.)
I have… <Giggles> But then my dad could sing, and I still can. Yes, I can see this happening at Christmas time in America. If it happened at other times though, I’d think someone had been hitting the sauce. But if you come from a musical family, it’s not terribly unusual for someone to pull out a guitar or sit down at the piano so everyone can sing along.

But I don’t think this would have worked on the show very well because it was never established that Sam had any musical talent. Now if Lois had started singing a bit, I would have found that believable. But I can see that she would have been more singing softly to herself than to be ‘performing’. I sing all the time - softly. Maybe it’s a musical thing - not so much a cultural thing.

I don't think Christmas caroling in and of itself is cheesy--but some situations in which people might burst with carols coming out of their mouths really ARE.
Exactly. I hope it’s not too cheesy because this week I’ll be playing the piano for a church function - all Christmas carols. Last year I sang a solo.

I blame it all on my UK grandfather and mother - they played piano, and, well what can I say - the sheet music for those carols is still in the piano bench
Like I said… musical family.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~