Jana, you forgot to add: Voyle and Myrtle were the wedding destroyer and the therapist (the reporter's name was Nunk) from Swear to God, This Time We're Not Kidding.
Ah, yes. I did forget! Thanks, Julie!

I thought I'd add my piece on the villians since I didn't before. My favorites were

Tempus - duh! he was just too cool.

Nigel St. John - scary, but definitely a good villian.

Bill Church Jr. - he cracked me up. I didn't care much one way or the other about Sr and I couldn't stand Mindy, but Bill Church Jr. was so wry that I just had to like him.

Kyle Griffin - I love Bronson Pinchot (sp?) and the Prankster was the perfect character for him to play.

On the other end, I thought Spencer Spencer and Baron Sunday were the dumbest villians. I simply refuse to rewatch Never on Sundays. I also thought the Wedding Destroyer and Nunk were pretty dumb villians.

Jana (who waited to post this until after she did her indoor running for the day)

"Don't you people have lives?!?" ~Joe on Wings

"An eternal, burning flame. Hope lives on and love remains." ~from Love Remains, by Collin Raye