Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: SuperRoo Hate or Like them? - 01/12/04 02:29 AM
Yes another poll. I like doing these! Fat Head. Hate him? Like him? Tell me. How about the others? Your opinion is based on not whether you actually liked the character but how you feel whether the character benefitted the series or was plain stupid. Sorry if this has been done before and I'm making everyone yawn.
Posted By: SuperRoo Re: Hate or Like them? - 01/12/04 02:30 AM
Hope I'm allowed to make it this long!
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Hate or Like them? - 01/12/04 05:12 AM
Cool poll! smile1

It was interesting, going through to vote and realizing that I really didn't care for a lot of L&C's villains. And then seeing the results was funny, since it seems like no one else liked them either! goofy

And wow, I've done polls before, and this one must have taken forever to set up!

Posted By: lynnm Re: Hate or Like them? - 01/12/04 07:03 AM
Like Pam said, it was interesting to see that most people felt the same way about specific villains.

Overall, I liked best the villians that were "real" people rather than villians that were ghosts/elves/deformed/embued with weird powers. That is, villians who might have existed in the Lois and Clark world of mostly real-like life instead of cartoon-like life. Some, like Spencer Spencer, kind of stradled the line a bit, but since he was responsible for getting Clark/Dean into that blank tank top, he gets extra points <g>.

My favorite by far was Tempus because he was just so cool, followed by Lex because he was just so bad.

Most annoying was probably Fat Head and Myrtle Beach. Please! How stupid did they think we were?

Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Hate or Like them? - 01/12/04 09:48 AM
Oh, and I forget what I voted for Bill/Mindy Church, but I was definitely conflicted at the pair of them. As villians go, I adore Mindy, but Bill Sr and Jr were more run-of-the-mill.

who, now that she thinks about it, has rarely if ever written a story with Mindy as the villain... might have to do something about that...
Posted By: KathyB Re: Hate or Like them? - 01/12/04 11:04 AM
Great idea for a poll! Yes, it was long, but it was fun. I love seeing which ones have a mixed response and which ones are clearly slanted towards like/hate.

Posted By: BevBB Re: Hate or Like them? - 01/12/04 03:12 PM
Great idea for a poll! Yes, it was long, but it was fun. I love seeing which ones have a mixed response and which ones are clearly slanted towards like/hate.
Yes, it was fun. I don't even normally do polls but had to check this one out. One thing is clear, though. I need to go rewatch some episodes because I didn't even know for sure who half those villains were.

Posted By: BevBB Re: Hate or Like them? - 01/12/04 03:20 PM
Okay, I went back and checked and it isn't quite half. Just three that I don't even recognize. What episodes were these in:

Spencer Spencer
Patrick Sullivan
Bob Stanford

Also while Myrtle Beech/Voyle Grumman ring a bell, I can't quite place them either. Is this the wedding destroyer and that tabloid reporter? Because if not, I'm coming up with a complete blank there too.

Posted By: Jana Re: Hate or Like them? - 01/12/04 03:48 PM
Great poll! I see I mostly agree with people. Nigel was cool! laugh

Beverly, I can answer your question as best as memory serves. Anyone else can feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

Spencer Spencer is from Ordinary People. He's the one who wanted Superman's body.

Patrick Sullivan is from When Irish Eyes Are Killing. He planned to sacrifice Lois.

I'm not positive about Bob Stanford, but my if memory serves, he is the magnetic guy from Bob and Carol and Lois and Clark.

Great poll, Roo!

Posted By: Julie S Re: Hate or Like them? - 01/12/04 05:43 PM
Hehe. Cool poll!

LOL, the ghost chick's name was Katie Banks. wink

IMO, Tempus and Kyle Griffin were just pure genius characters. I love their sarcasm, and I adore the way they look when they lose (e.g Griffin ended up with his pants down and Tempus temporarily at an insane asylum in 1866, though I never got how came back).

The villains I really hated were Bob, Baron Sunday, Patrick, and Lex Luthor. Bob and the Baron were boring. Patrick was, too, but I think I hated him because at that point I just wanted to see Lois and Clark make up. Luthor was a nag. How many times, as I saw someone on Zoom's boards put it, can a man die and come back to harass you? I mean, true he only came back once, but it felt like much more. Even after we got rid of him forever and for good, he still managed to be the topic of three consecutive eps in season 4. I always liked the way he expressd himself, though. Him and Nigel.

What surprised me is that everyone said they liked Trask. Frankly, I found him a little annoying. But that's just me. laugh

Jana, you forgot to add: Voyle and Myrtle were the wedding destroyer and the therapist (the reporter's name was Nunk) from Swear to God, This Time We're Not Kidding. wink

Julie smile
Posted By: Jana Re: Hate or Like them? - 01/12/04 07:49 PM
Jana, you forgot to add: Voyle and Myrtle were the wedding destroyer and the therapist (the reporter's name was Nunk) from Swear to God, This Time We're Not Kidding.
Ah, yes. I did forget! Thanks, Julie!

I thought I'd add my piece on the villians since I didn't before. My favorites were

Tempus - duh! he was just too cool.

Nigel St. John - scary, but definitely a good villian.

Bill Church Jr. - he cracked me up. I didn't care much one way or the other about Sr and I couldn't stand Mindy, but Bill Church Jr. was so wry that I just had to like him.

Kyle Griffin - I love Bronson Pinchot (sp?) and the Prankster was the perfect character for him to play.

On the other end, I thought Spencer Spencer and Baron Sunday were the dumbest villians. I simply refuse to rewatch Never on Sundays. I also thought the Wedding Destroyer and Nunk were pretty dumb villians.

Jana (who waited to post this until after she did her indoor running for the day)
Posted By: BevBB Re: Hate or Like them? - 01/13/04 05:52 AM
Spencer Spencer is from Ordinary People. He's the one who wanted Superman's body.>>

Oh, so that's why I "forgot" him. Ewww. :p

[QUOTE] Patrick Sullivan is from When Irish Eyes Are Killing. He planned to sacrifice Lois. {/QUOTE]

Okay, with him it probably wasn't intentional but he's still eminently forgetable.

[QUOTE] I'm not positive about Bob Stanford, but my if memory serves, he is the magnetic guy from Bob and Carol and Lois and Clark.
Well, I have no idea why I forgot this one unless I just didn't think of him as Bob for some reason. Duh! confused

And thanks to whoever cleared up the wedding destroyer reference. I knew that didn't sound like the reporter's name but couldn't remember it either.

I do think it’s interesting and sort of appropriate that Tempus clearly seems to be the real L&C’s nemesis, in contrast to Lex being Superman’s archrival. There was no way to avoid having Lex there from the start, but it does make one wonder how it would’ve been if Tempus had been the regularly recurring villain on the series instead.

I think a large part of the appeal of Trask is that he was pitted against Clark’s “alien-ness” in a way that no one else could be, except for possibly someone like Lord Nor or, well, Tempus. In a lot of ways Tempus is almost more Lois’ nemesis than theirs together so I’m not sure how much he actually threatens Clark’s secret in reality. Ever noticed how Tempus seems to always manage to avoid direct confrontations with Clark/Superman and tends to avoid revealing what he does know unless it fits in with his plans? In some ways Trask was annoying for the very reason that he was such a threat to the secret, but at the same time there was a lot of possibilities in the character if they’d chosen not to have him find things out so fast. I’ve actually toyed with the idea of having him be the “villain” in NEBS but just don’t want to go there. Speaking of which, has anyone ever written a fan fiction where GGGOH doesn’t end with Trask finding out?

And what about Lord Nor? Shouldn’t he be on this list for sure? Personally, I almost feel the same way about the New Krypton arc that I do about Trask. I didn’t particularly like the way that was presented overall but, OTOH, have always felt that the NK characters had a lot of unexplored possibilities because they tend to threaten Lois’ position as his partner more than Clark’s as a citizen of Earth.

Beverly :-)
"B. B. Medos"
Posted By: SuperRoo Re: Hate or Like them? - 01/13/04 07:19 AM
I wanted to put more, but I was getting tired. sad (had to sleep, ick)
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