I just want to add a little more to what I said earlier.
For me it is that life would be better when your living in it with God. If you live your life listening to him instead of being distracted, your life would be better.

Well saying it is easier then doing it.

Anyhow, what would the relationship of Lois and clark be if Lois (synonims=Humankind) were like humans acting like man towards God. Just worshipping God but not to get to know him intimately. God desires to love us like the way Clark loves Lois. Some may get caught up in keeping the 10 commandments and don't care for what God really want out of us. What if Lois did that to Clark. If you live your life knowing his riches, he will fulfuill you and take care of you. Like the way Clark takes care of Lois when she gets into the fixes.
evil has always tried to take us away form God through daily routine or the devil using others subtally to distract us. If in fact if you do become a true Christian beliver, life will get harder for you because the satin wants you back in his world like the case with my friend who just started going out with us. Her land lord refused to renew her lease. Things like these are like the fixes that Lois gets into, but Clark was always there to bail Lois out. In Christian life, we seek God to Bail us out.

God's Love is eternal. I was told that the hindu believe that if you do wrong God will hurt/kill you. But God loves us so much that we could not even comprehend how much it is. There was once a christian that knews of God's love.

I think many times I would be a total grouch until I start to take to time to get close to HIM that I become less of a grouch to be with.

"But Love yoru emenies, and do good and lend, expeting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He is kind to the unthankful and evil." Luke 6:35

God is love and there is no if's attached to it.