Yes was my vote

I find it happens to me when I do not get enough sleep. Cramming does no good. I get my best grades when I study everyday, but not in a cram style.

The night before the exam I just go over a couple of things, go for a jog and make sure I get a good sleep. If I know I won't be able to sleep I do a wicked workout and then study and hit the sack.

I unfortunately have not done that this term and I think I am going to get an A+ in one class and fail my other. I have only ever failed a class once before. ARUGH!

I'm very mad at myself for messing up this term. Oh well. Lazy Lazy Lazy I am. You would think I'd learn after being in school for so long! (I'm 26). Bad Ro! Bad Bad Roo!

Good Luck!

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.